2 Apr 2013

Shame on you, David Cameron!

What type of person would be against Human Rights? Well, if we take a look at modern history we can see that dictators like Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Tito, Ceauşescu, Milosevic and Saddam Hussein all was against Human Rights. Today we can also add David Cameron to the list when he suggest that UK should abolish the Human Rights Act.*/** Shame on you David Cameron!
When you look at the world in terms of us and them, the them group often tends to be looked at as inferior to the more superior group, us. All the dictators above had this type of ‘us and them’ thinking and simply just imprisoned or killed them. For such a leader the absence of Human Rights is very practical. It leaves the floor open to get rid of the opposition. The them-group in Cameron’s case is people living on benefits, in other words - the poor.

We need the Human Rights Act to prevent political leaders to prosecute, imprison or exterminate what they perceive as unwanted sections of the society.
In propaganda during the period leading up to persecution or total genocide of a group, the messages are full with stereotypical generalisations of what they are. We can call this behaviour otherisation.
The otherisation propaganda describes the group others as sub-human by using words as vermin, dirty, evil and totally dehumanise and demonising the group others.
This was very clear in for example Rwanda, “...genocide resulted from the conscious choice of the elite to promote hatred and fear to keep itself in power. This small, privileged group first set the majority against the minority to counter a growing political opposition within Rwanda...”*** Then the genocide commenced!
David Cameron is increasingly using otherisation arguments in his political statements. He says things like:
“...those who are on the wrong side of the British Public...”
“...something for nothing culture...”
“...These people, hard working, decent, patriotic people are who the Conservative Party has always been for. We are on the side of those who want to work hard and get on in life...”

Basically, whenever he opens his mouth he mention something about ‘us hardworking people who wants to move on’ (the superior people) and insinuate then that the non-working people are inferior (not hard working or wanting to move on, the unemployed choose to not work).
This divide and rule propaganda is a prelude to the prosecution period that might be followed by an extermination process. Unless someone stops him and the Conservative Party before it comes to that.

Sadly , we have now reached the prosecution period in Cameron’s master scheme when the new benefit legislation came into effect yesterday and others (people on benefits) has to pay council tax and bedroom tax leaving people with as little as £5 per week to buy food and clothes for. The new rules punish people for being poor as if poverty is self-inflicted. Cameron and the party have the audacity to suggest that the new benefit system is fairer! Fair to who? According to the Institute of Fiscal Studies the poorest 10% lose around £127 and the richest 10% gain around £1,265. Shame on you Cameron!

Another worrying part of Cameron’s scheme is the changes to NHS where GPs take charge of a local budget. This obviously mean that if you live in a poor area there are less access to healthcare because more people have to share the local pot. Whilst in rich areas where many have private healthcare and better health in general there is more money in the pot. Cameron and his friends call this fair. Shame on you!
It is even more shame on Cameron when the Fiscal Watchdog says the cuts reduced economical growth.**** In other words, Cameron’s austerity cuts are not good for the country. The problem for the economy is not the poor people, it is the rich people that are too greedy and that greed has to stop!
Where is the opposition in all this?
Cameron is allowed to freely express his propaganda against the others without any protest from society. I say as Martin Luther King, Jr. did, “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
Hitler would not have got his power if the German people had protested against him before he was in power. Do your bit for the country and vote Cameron and the Conservatives out of Government in the next election!

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