2 Jan 2011

Happy New Year!

The social services have housed my friend Maria in a hostel in Westminster to keep her safe from her abusive and unsafe home environment. She is what social services used to call a young vulnerable person.
Two weeks before Christmas Maria called me and told me that she had been evicted from the hostel. Apparently the hostel is closing down because the council do not want residents in the borough living below a certain income level!
So that is how the richer boroughs are going to solve the cuts and the economical crisis. Just kick the poor people out! Well, that should solve the problem nicely.
Send the poor to the poor councils and do as they done in Paris with their growing ghettos in the outskirts of Paris with their annual riots and where young girls walking alone are seen as fair game for gang rape. That should sort the poor out and force them of their lazy backs and give them a nice incentive to work.
As if poverty is a moral defect rather than a result of the unequal power structures in the country.
What the Government and its millionaire MPs are trying to do is to increase their wealth on the back of others’ work and the poor. Cameron keep on saying we are in this together but actually, some people has to take the blunt of the cut backs whilst others continue to attend their glitzy Champaign parties asking themselves “where is this economical crisis everybody is talking about?”

The overall assets of a country belong to its people in an equal share but the Government is building a society where the rich take from the poor and give to rich.
Cameron needs to be aware of that when you neglect the poor you do it on your own peril. It is just so much a person can put up with. I do not think that poor people silently will sit at home and starve to death. There will be a point when you have to fight back. That fight can take the form of increasing demonstrations but also riots and crime waves. If you are locked out from all avenues to earn your money by working, you will have to take it from those who stack their wealth on piles in tax havens such as Cayman Islands, Guernsey and Liechtenstein.
The Tory Government will bring us back to a pre-industrialism relationship between the rich and the poor and as history told us this will lead to revolution, social unrest and famine.
The rich are completely alien to the state of the country to the point where Prince Charles and his darling Camilla goes for a drive to the Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium in their royal car straight through the well known and planned student demonstration. Completely oblivious to the fact that the streets of London would be filled of young people fighting for their right to education and their right to be able to make a decent living and that the posh royal car gliding past would be a sore eye. The photo with Camilla’s face in a complete shock and surprise is just a proof of how distant the rich are from the harsh reality of the people. What did she expect? That the commoners would take a break in the demonstration to cheerfully wave at her on her route to her free ticket at the Royal Variety Performance?

I do wish we all could have a Happy New Year but I am afraid that will not happen as long as we have a Tory Government.

Robin Hood where are you when we need you?

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