Why do I never learn? I read the blooming papers again and now I am completely depressed and lost the will to live...
First of all, I think Cameron can stuff his bloody Big Society somewhere where the sun doesn’t shine. Basically this is the largest rip off and privatisation scheme since Margaret Thatcher. Cameron and his fellow millionaires in the Government has come up with this master plan of a huge mega car boot sale of the public resources that in effect is a closing down the state, to bargain prices for the rich.
Hands off the NHS, education and our forests. This is not for Cameron to sell because it is not his property; it belongs to the people of Britain and its taxpayers.
The Government scare the councils by setting hard cuts in their budget and they go into some sort panic sale as well and sell off our libraries, supportive housing and public buildings.
The localism in Cameron’s Big Society sounds like a grand scheme to leave people to fend for themselves as best as they can, a state of ‘the survival of the fittest’. He creates a hard core capitalism and move us back to the times when the aristocrats ruled on the backs of the rest of the people.
The localism will be hardest felt when it comes to NHS changes where the GPs will be in charge of 80% of the budget that the Primary Care Trusts used to manage. That means that each GP will get a petty cash box to use for their clients so next time you go to your GP you might be told, ‘sorry mate but the money is finished and you can’t have any treatment for your cancer. You could try to get it privately or maybe you have private health insurance that might cover for it? Otherwise you will have to wait until next budget year, it’s only seven months away and you might be able to get treatment then but only if you put yourself on our waiting list. If you are lucky the cancer has not spread that much by then.’
What is so flaming Big about that type of society?
I then moved on and read about the huge pay some people in public office rakes in, despite economic crisis. I mean the BBC Trust chairman Sir Michael Lyons claimed £12,000 in expenses alone. That is more than most people earn per year! And then I read that the Council bosses earn more than £185K! Blimey, that can cover the housing benefits for a family for 336 month (28 years) or four families for 7 years! I have said it before and I say it again, the problem is not lack of money it is the distribution of money that is the problem.
As if that was not enough, the sodding sport commentators at Sky Sport go and verbalise their sexism on air! And why is that men thinks that the epitome of intelligence is the offside rule, which any bloody moron can understand. It is not exactly complicated like splitting an atom or like string theory, is it? Big up for Sky to sack the chauvinist pigs and gets them off the air!
Then I saw a front page in Evening Standard: ‘Tory MP blasts feminists bigots’. In the article you could read that MP Dominic Raab said feminists are ‘obnoxious bigots’. He thinks it is time for men to burn their briefs. What planet is he from, the same as ET?
All I have to do now is to come up with a great plan to kick the Government out of the office of power. Any ideas?